Goodbye to the old spillway at Oroville Dam

June 13, 2019

For my first post on this new blog, I want to share some photos of the old spillway as it was coming apart in 2017. These are zoomed-in areas of Department of Water Resources photos from their Galleries ,


  1. So cool Millie.. thank you for all you do and have done to get the information out...akfirefighter1

    1. Hi AK! Thanks for being the first (and second) Commenter on my new blog. I really appreciate you.

  2. akfirefighter again..we too have a dog named isabella way cool

    1. Yeah, that is cool. I call her Belly-Bell and Izzy-Belly too!!! LOL

  3. Awesome.. Love your videos! You’re great

    1. Hi Pam! Thanks so much for your kind comment! Take good care.

  4. Thank you Millie !... I am Sharring and following you !

    1. Hi Katrina! You are very welcome. Thanks so much for sharing and following. I appreciate you.

  5. Hi! What a wonderful compliment! Thank you.

  6. Hi, I just came across your YouTube page and I found it very interesting. I just got done watching the video about the different zones and materials used to build the dam. Near the end of the video you talked about the problems with the core block cracking during construction and how they fixed it. You mentioned that you would possibly do a future video dealing with the repairs and how well the repairs are holding up. In 2017 I was working as an electrician on a project to install a fire alarm system in the core block tunnels and in the powerhouse and high voltage tunnels within the Oroville Dam. I have some videos that I recorded of the core block tunnels and the grout gallery and river valve areas. The videos show how much water is leaking through the cracks and seeping through the core block. If you are interested in the video I would be happy to send them to you to help with your research into the dam.

    1. I owe you an apology, jaj8791 !!! Last year when I worked on this blog I did not set my notifications preferences for moderated comments. Your comment ended up in the "to be moderated" section and I did not receive the notification. Now that I have some time, I have been reviewing all the settings for my YouTube channel, blog, etc. I am SO disappointed that I missed your comment!!! I always value first-hand information, and I am ALWAYS happy to hear from people who have worked at the Dam. If it is not too late, I hope we can be in communication. No matter what the outcome is, I truly appreciate your contact and, again, I apologize profusely for missing your comment. Take care.


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